Stretch Film


Do you know the reason why the most common stretch film fracture?

Stretch film fracture is an inevitable challenge for elastic packaging operators. Typically, three to five times a few customers find the time of each roll. In the best of circumstances, we all know that these breaks are a stimulus. In the worst cases, a series of increasingly problematic challenges can be brought to the surface.

Do you know the most likely reason for the destruction of your stretch film? It’s broken.

There are many reasons for the stretch film to be destroyed, here are 7 common reasons, but so far, the most likely cause of your tensile rupture is your load. In fact, at the time of the movie break, the risk of load is very high, about 27 percent.

Do you know what we mean by the danger of a load profile? The composition of the load itself is a load hazard, which can puncture, tear, or emphasize the film because it is applied to the point that causes the fault. Such situations, such as sharp load angles or serious internal product layers, are typical examples of load configuration hazards.

What are you going to do if you want to solve this problem?

If the risk is caused by the load profile, changing the configuration file is the most obvious solution. In this case, we all know that sometimes even the most obvious answer is not the best solution. We all know that if you want to change the composition of the load, it’s not always possible. If you want to reassemble a load, and need to have your precious time, to be honest, almost no one ever to do so, so, from the point of view of solution, this is not a possible solution. So how can we solve this problem?