Stretch Wrapping

What is the standard packing height for semi-automatic stretch packing? You know what? Its standard packaging height is 80 inches. High (6 feet, 8 inches). But we recognize that some of the load levels will also change because of your delivery. If your load is 80 inches high. In height, then, a longer mast is needed. Fourth, the size of the turntable.

What is the standard turntable on the semi-automatic stretch packing? You know what? It’s 65 inches. That’s its diameter. They can also be used to store the most commonly used (40 x 48 inch) trays in a turntable. However, if the larger tray is used by you, buying a larger turntable is what you need to do. It is the tray that creates a dangerous environment for the operator. A worker too close to the wheel is the last thing you want to see, and we can see that the tray on the foot is too big.

Fifth, the scope of integration.

As we all know, it is common that some people are required to weigh the goods before shipment. On the one hand, your quality control process can be improved by weight. If your product’s pallet load has a certain amount of weight that you know, the customer won’t receive an incomplete order which can be guaranteed by you. Lost you can look at our blog posts, P case, how about balance as the final quality control method, we found that the three cases, the value of it is $26000, but it is stolen from the load center happened.

On the other hand, weighing loads can help shippers avoid fines from trucking companies. If they are to measure their burden, they have not always been able to do it. They rely on shippers to tell them the weight. However, if they leave because you gave them an inaccurate number, then you will be severely fined.