Stretched Wrapper

Here, it has three meanings:

If it is a stretched wrapper that runs at the best performance level, its chances are low. The more important thing for maintenance is to maintain throughput and maximize performance, which is what it wants to accomplish and what it wants to accomplish. We can see that the skills and knowledge of maintaining and optimizing stretch wrappers are disappearing, and it is disappearing from the plants at a higher and higher speed, but there are some terrible ones. We also have a proposal, but the cost of the proposal is expensive, and an expensive proposition is a poorly maintained aging machine. In fact, you can see, it compared with the upgrade to the new stretch packaging, will produce more expensive cost, so, if you do this, also in terms of cost, greatly increased, and that is something we have been reluctant to see.

If this is the case, do you know what the stretcher manufacturer is doing? They are working to improve the situation. So let’s see.

What is a smart machine? What we need to do is build knowledge on the packaging. Operator does not tell us is what to do, the wrapper operator tell us machine load and wrapper should be how to package it, obviously, this is its role and value.

What are the benefits of automatically maintaining load quality? – it can make each load plenty of control that can be make sure – it can minimize skill for the operation personnel to correctly handle the load, which is an obvious advantage.

What is real-time performance management? You know what? We can manage and maintain real-time reports on the Internet, so we can make adjustments very quickly, and we can quickly correct the problems.

Know L is how to deal with these problems is our purpose, in order to achieve this goal, you can look at our news, thin G packaging and loads are waiting for our L scoop.