The Pre-tension


How much stretching should you stretch? Does it stretch as much as possible?

In 1972, PL invented the first elastic packaging, and 60 rolls of plastic film were used by him, using these plastic films for dry-cleaning equipment. The film is placed on the tray of the idea, it relies on is a core of the brake, the purpose is to slow the speed of membrane, make its stretched a little bit longer, and will load compressed into a result is its goal. The invention went viral and evolved into today’s popular fpc1 packaging. Now, we rely on the fpc2 stretch membrane, and this fpc2 stretch membrane is quickly applied.

Process from their point of view, this is basically the same, need to be repeated thousands of times every day, because the workers need to use 12 and 18 inches wide hand stretch film, this hand stretch film is used to package weight.

Load safety is the most important thing that is determined by the capacity of the envelope, which is what we call the envelope force fpc3 film layer. As proven, stretching is not simply a factor.

Dollars and cents.

We all know that stretching a movie is actually an economic measure, or it has a more accurate way of saying that you can stretch a film before a movie is released, which is also an economic measure. The pretensioning membrane is also a stretch film, which can afford to stretch the film, and the stretch film and stretch film industry we know today are also being opened together.

The pretensioning membrane is used to save money.

A: do you know the percentage of pretensioning? Typically, a set of gears before packaging is determined by a common pretensioning percentage, which ranges from 150 to 300%. We can see that every foot of a roll of film, the film on the load is 2.5 to 4 feet.